Friday 16 November 2012

[s]aturday is game day

[3] months of hard work,  [134] hours of practicing, [640] minutes of game playing, [6] regular season games with [387] points for and [0] against, [2] exhibition games & [1] semi-final game where we obliterated every damn team that has stepped foot onto the same field as us. all of the determination and motivation to prepare us for THE game we have been waiting for, working for, crying, bruising and bleeding for. this right here is it. the moment we've all been waiting for. the moment we’ve been so patiently waiting for since last november. the moment we have not stopped talking about, thinking, breathing, sleeping and dreaming about. the moment we’ve put our hearts and souls into because we know how much we all wanted this moment to happen. and we made it happen. we wanted this more than anyone else in the OCAA and we are going to make of this moment and do what we’ve been training our asses off for the last 3 months of our lives. our moment is november 17th 2012, at 1pm on the twin elm rugby field. this saturday is the moment. this saturday is a rugby day. this Saturday we play HUMBER in the gold game.


Tuesday 16 October 2012

[w]inning isn't's the only thing

[ever] hear of that saying "there's no i in team" and then some smart ass has to go and say "but there's an m and an e" or "but there is in [win]". i'm sure many sports teams could fall into this little trap of a saying...but not rugby. there is no i in rugby...there isn't even an m or an e and there is a reason for this. it is a sport that is made up of a team and nothing else. rugby is made up of 15 athletes. no. 15 determined athletes. determined to do nothing else but [win]. together. as a team. i'm on the algonquin thunder women's rugby team and we work harder than any other team out there. our coach tells us this every single practice, not to get us pumped, not to make us feel good, but because its the truth. because we are determined to [win]. and we will [win].

[last] year we lost twice to kingston in the regular season. but when the time came to play them one last time, and for the chance to win a medal, there was nothing else in the world we all wanted more than to beat them. and we did. 6-5 was the final score. we [won] a bronze medal by one point because we wanted it more and we were determined to get it. and we did. this year we came face to face with kingston for our first regular season game. this year we wanted change. we worked harder than last year. we were more determined than last year. once again we wanted this [win] more than anything. we beat them 51-0. they didn't see us coming. we kicked ass. there is no other way to say what we did on that field. our coach was proud. and it takes a lot for her to be happy. she is intense. nothing is ever good enough for her. she wants nothing else than to be a champion. she [b]elieves that [winning] isn't everything, it's the only thing and because of her attitude and because of the way she coaches us, it's all we want too. to be champions.

[we] are more than halfway through our regular season and so far its been a piece of cake. we've [won] 51-0, 71-0, 70-0 & 61-0. but we know that its not the regular season we need to work hard for. we only have two more regular season games against the same teams we've already obliterated, and then the semi-final game, and then our season begins.  because after semis, we play in the finals, and in the finals we play humber. the two year champions who demolish every team in the ocaa. but not this year. not us. because we are determined to beat humber. because we worked our asses off for 3 straight months all to prepare for one 80 minute game. because we are determined to [win] that gold medal. to win the glory and be called champions. team champions. because we are nothing else but one team. this year we change history. this year we [win] gold. because for us, [winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.] 


Thursday 1 March 2012

[j]ust do it

[is] it really so hard to [b]elieve? think about it...if you simply [b]elieve in yourself and nothing else, you can do anything. i'm always worrying about the outcome of situations and stress about the little things in life and when it's all over, everything turns out perfectly fine and i realize i worried for nothing. so i decided to just plain and simply [b]elieve i will do well and even just that takes away the pain that stress and worrying always brings. such a simple little word can make you think and feel so much better and stronger. have you ever really thought about it. you should try it. it won't hurt. like nike always says [just do it]. [b]elieve. whats the worse that can happen? nothing bad or negative will ever come if you just listen to the message this 7 letter word has. when your having a bad day or did bad on a test or miss a tackle during a rugby game, take a breath and whisper the word to yourself. [b]elieve. dont let the little things in life get you down. just be happy. just be yourself. just [b]elieve in yourself. [just do it]. 
